Jenni Guest
Educator, Physiotherapist

Jen graduated from the University of South Australia in 1992 with a Degree in Physiotherapy. Her career began in an intensive care role, gaining a Post Graduate Certificate in Pulmonary and Cardiac rehabilitation and then moved on to her special interest in Dance Injury. The later coming from her formative years as a long term classical dance student. Jen completed her certification in Pilates Instruction with Dance Medicine Australia in 1999 and furthered her Pilates Education through Pilates International Training Centre and with Polestar Pilates International to extend her knowledge base.
Jen is a Principal Educator/Examiner with Polestar and loves every aspect of it. She is passionate about the Pilates method and the Governance surrounding it, being a Life member Principle trainer Level 2 with the Pilates Alliance of Australasia. . These roles allow her to be part of a working body that provides standards and regulations to the industry of Pilates in Australasia. Jen is also a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science allowing her to access the latest research and development in the rehabilitation and prevention of Dance Injury, Branch council member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association SA and Ausdance SA.
Jen is Director of Smart Health Training and Services in South Australia, a host site for Polestar Pilates Education. Collectively, all of the parts to Jen’s world enable her to maintain a high level of diagnostic skill, treatment and prevention of injury in the Dance and General Rehabilitative worlds. She fills her spare time volunteering with local Dance Schools, providing assessments and education to students, teachers and parents.